With only 10 days away from my due date, I'm getting really nervous. I have no idea what to expect, and at this point it's pretty much beyond my control right? One thing I know for sure is that being pregnant has been an amazing experience, and while carrying an extra 50 lbs, and apparently a 7 lbs 12 oz baby already at 38 weeks is no easy task, I will miss it. The smiles and funny comments on the streets - the occasional seat on the bus or subway that a kind samaritan offers – the home cooked meals & extra attention/affection from my husband – the forgiveness for the constant mood swings – the excuse that “baby brains” made me do/say it – the extra attention from the family – getting away with weird cravings and having family respond well to them – his little movements in my belly that remind me he’s there and that he accompanies me everywhere I go – the excuse to eat WHAT I want, WHERE I want without feeling guilty – the absence of worrying about my weight or exercising….and so much more.
Congrats Andrea! I can't believe it's SO SOON! Can't wait to hear all about this boy! Praying for a great labor & delivery for you!